Continue to hold court at home Florentine the question Artemio Franchi. Dario Nardellamayor of Florencewho however in just over a month will make way for the new elected after having completed his two consecutive mandates, spoke to the microphones of LadyRadio on Monday regarding the restyling of the stadium: “I can’t stop giving up on the idea that there could be an agreement with Fiorentina according to which the total sum needed to finish all the works can be divided equally between public institutions and purple company. It would be a big step forward, I still trust in this solution. The work has started and will enter a more intense phase within the next two weeks. Soon we will start to see many workers at work.”
The response did not take long Rocco Commissopresident of Florentinewho declared to the club’s official channels: “Franchi is a problem. In recent days we have met the minister of sport Abodi and the mayor of Florence Nardella. Concern about the future of Franchi has emerged in every meeting. The result is very clear is that completing the restyling will require at least 100 million euros. In addition to this we only have information for next season, where the seats will not be more than 22,000 and we will be able to continue playing in the Florence stadium. We believe that before starting the works, for any project, we need to be sure that there is all the necessary money, this is not the case with Franchi, where I repeat that 100 million are missing. We don’t even know what will happen after the 2024/25 season. The first year we will lose from the 10 to 15 million and this is a problem.”
The attack of the lily patron continues: “The start of the redevelopment works of the Franchi stadium, with the response from the municipality of Florence, despite the absence of the funds necessary to complete the project, causes significant damage to Fiorentina, both financial that management, to its fans and to the entire community that follows our colors. The clubs need to move within a framework of predictability of times and costs. In this context of uncertainties, both financial and of necessary timing, the only given what is certain is the significant reduction in revenues and the increase in costs. “In the absence of new elements that can bring clarity, Fiorentina can only reserve the right to protect its rights in any venue, as announced in a communication made to Mayor Dario Nardella last January”.
Mashed potato Francesco Casinimayor of Bagno a Ripoli, the place where the Viola Park is located, is with the Viola club: “Rocco Commisso’s words clarify once again the question of the stadium in Florence: a project that is leaking from all sides, which is lacking at current state officially 85 million, but which we already know will become at least 100 million for the conclusion of the works. For this reason there is a need to stop, reflect and start a new path with and not against Fiorentina which today even speaks, from the point of view. of the club also understandably, of appeals to protect their interests. The words of the mayor Dario Nardella who still today spoke of an issue finally resolved are an electoral slogan, however unsuccessful. The current restyling project conceived as a public contract and not as project financing is not only anachronistic, but risks becoming a huge problem for the city and the next administration as well as an enormous and inefficient waste of public resources