Atalanta, Gasperini: “Wrong passes in a childish way, but we must be happy”

Gian Piero Gasperinitechnician ofAtalantaspoke to the microphones of the club’s official channels to comment on the 2-1 against Salernitana: “Three very important and also very hard-earned points. Fundamental, very important, obtained with great difficulty. We made the match very difficult for ourselves, but we must be happy “.

He no longer has a voice.
“This wasn’t due to the match (laughs, ed.).”

Matches in Serie A are never easy.
“No, because they can be channeled in different ways. You always have to be very good mentally, athletically, technically. We started with a good superiority, which however we didn’t translate into anything, making mistakes in the last steps in a childish way. We could have moved forward immediately. and instead we went down on their first play. It’s the worst way to start these matches which could have been easy and instead a bit of anxiety sets in, a bit of fear which has become a very complicated match, but we were good at overturning it because had taken a bad turn.”

300 matches with Atalanta. What does it mean?
“It means that many years have passed (laughs, ed.). Otherwise all very beautiful, from the first to the three hundredth.”

Now head to Marseille.
“This one against Salernitana was the most difficult to prepare, with OM with the climate that will be created in the city and at the stadium we will recover all our energy.”