Not just Italian, Palladino or Gattuso for the next Turin. Because Urbano Cairo would like to focus on the move on the bench, with Maurizio Sarri emerging as a possible strong candidate. In recent days there has been contact between the parties, the president has always greatly admired the coach and the intention is to have a coach who plays with the three strikers. For this reason there has also been several interests in attacking wingers, seen in recent weeks. The feeling is that the next coach will emerge from this jumble of names.
It remains to be seen whether the conditions will exist for Sarri to land. After two seasons (and something) at Lazio, the intention is to get back in the saddle immediately, but it is possible that the idea is to be able to listen to all the offers. The Turin bench would perhaps be closer to Maurizio Sarri’s personal history than that – already experienced – of Juventus. We will probably have to wait for Milan’s eventual choice, given that Sarri is also among the candidates.
So Vincenzo Italiano remains on pole, but the round of coaches has not yet begun. As in dominoes all the pieces will then fall into place, this is the time for meetings and surveys.