Tare: “There have never been contacts with Napoli. Immobile? It will be difficult to snatch him from Lazio”


Igli Tareformer sporting director of Laziospoke to the media present, including TMWon the sidelines of the Adicosp football Grand Gala: “How pleased Inzaghi’s words made me? A lot, a lot. It’s a source of pride for us too because his path and path are also the result of what he learned at Lazio in Roma are all happy and happy with their Scudetto, I think it’s the first of many.”

Scudetto deserved?
“Yes, absolutely. They are the best team in the championship, they dominated from start to finish.”

How has Inzaghi improved lately?
“The lost final was the consecration and awareness of having reached an important level. It also helped the environment around him to remove the weight he had because not much importance was given to his path even if it was glorious, with many trophies Having a little patience sometimes pays off.”

How would you see Immobile with Inzaghi at Inter?
“There’s no questioning his quality, he can play anywhere. He’s an important player for Lazio and I think it will be difficult to take him away from Lazio.”

How close was he to Napoli?
“There have never been any approaches. They have always been unfounded rumours, there have never been real contacts.”

How long until we see it in action again?
“I don’t know, I’ll do things that make sense to me. I’m not looking to get back in a hurry, I’ll do it if I find a place worth doing it.”

Are you looking for a project of at least 2-3 years?
“Absolutely yes because even to leave something important you need the right project. Without rushing, you need the right project”.

Thiago Motta, Italian or Palladino. Who has grown the most?
“Thiago Motta certainly, but let’s not forget Gilardino who did a great job with Genoa. We welcome this new generation of coaches, I like the idea of ​​an offensive game.”

Do you like De Rossi?
“A lot. Not only as a coach, also as a man. I respect him a lot, we have a great relationship, he will have a great career because he has a lot of charisma.”

Is Thiago Motta ideal for Juventus?
“I don’t know if Juve are thinking about Thiago Motta. Now there’s Allegri, it’s not correct while the championship is underway to talk about others.”

What impression did Tudor make on you at Lazio?
“He has an attacking style of play, the results have arrived up to a certain point, the draw in Monza stopped the run-up a bit, but he has done a positive job so far.”