Nardella-Commisso clash on Franchi, the mayor of Bagno a Ripoli is with the company

At Fiorentina there are hours of public skirmishes with the stadium theme in the background. If Nardella, mayor of Florence, had once again touched on the issue of financial help from the club in the conclusion of the restyling work of the Franchi already started, for his part Commisso instead responded in spades, making it clear that he was ready to protect himself for legal channels.

Francesco Casini, mayor of Bagno a Ripoli (the municipality where Viola Park is located) and candidate for the Florence City Council, also takes a position for the next round of administrative elections: “Rocco Commisso’s words clarify once again the question of the stadium in Florence: a project that is leaking from all sides, which at present is officially missing 85 million, but which we already know will become at least 100 million for the completion of the works. This is why we need to stop, reflect and start a new path with and not against Fiorentina who today are even talking, from the club’s point of view, understandably, of appealing to protect their own players. interests”.

Casini continues and concludes: “The words of the mayor Dario Nardella who still today spoke of an issue finally resolved are an electoral slogan, however unsuccessful. The current restyling project conceived as a public contract and not as project financing is not only anachronistic, but risks becoming a huge problem for the city and the next administration as well as an enormous and inefficient waste of public resources”.