Cosenza, Micai: “Well done to straighten out the season. We will make the most of this experience”

With eleven points in the last five championship matches played so far (only Venezia with 12 have done better) the Cosenza coached by William Avenues he managed to break away from the danger zone and achieve a quiet salvation after two years of post-playout celebrations. After the 2-2 draw against Spice last weekend, one of the senators of the Calabrian locker room, the goalkeeper, spoke Alessandro Micai.

“The most difficult save of the match – we read above -? They weren’t too complicated, there were others throughout the year. But we had big difficulties with dead balls, which they kicked really well. I had problems on some outings, having their structure and kicking very well.

Elia scored a good goal, but when a goalkeeper scores a goal there is always something to work on, I could have done more. On the team result, I tend to see the glass half full. We were in difficulty after the two derbies, the season was taking a bad turn. We straightened it out, we were good, you can’t always hope that the results will fit together and everything will go as you would like. We will take advantage of this experience, learning from our mistakes, trying to play this type of match three or four games before.

The defense had exponential growth in the second round, also thanks to the experience brought by Camporese. With age, the goalkeeper, in addition to doing his job, can record the entire department. There is understanding between us. The role of the goalkeeper has changed, he must know how to do this too.

I promised myself, having happened in two other matches to celebrate with the fans after a good save, not to do it again. Even against Pisa I made a beautiful save, I celebrated and we conceded a goal immediately afterwards. This time I couldn’t resist and I cheered, because I think the goal could be reviewed by VAR, having seen a handball. The pleasure of having saved the penalty remains, a personal joy. In the end Brescia and Samp won, the important thing is to have finished at home with a good show.”