Umberto Calcagno, president of the Italian Footballers’ Association, spoke this morning at an event at the University of Florence, also touching on the much debated topic of the new economic-financial control agency that the Italian Government would like to impose in place of COVISOC. Below are his statements reported by the news agency Italpress.
Calcagno says: “The football system is experiencing an era of great changes and the decisions that will be taken in this phase will influence entire generations of football, and this concerns players, coaches, clubs and squares. Such changes will require unity of intent in all components federal The internal system is very fragile from an economic and financial point of view. During the last Federal Council, the programmatic document presented to us by President Gravina was unanimously approved, which goes in the right direction, a document that will make us understand who can really do it. playing football in the future”.
The number one of the Football Association continues and concludes: “It doesn’t make much sense to talk about reforming the championship formats if we don’t first realize who really has the ability to play professional football in the future. The challenges that await us are of an economic-financial but also technical-sporting nature, and among these the challenge of valorising the entire youth supply chain with the Italian youth clubs which are suffering a crisis like never before. The Serie A League must help the work they are doing for Lega Serie B and Lega Pro to broaden the base of players who can be called up to our national teams. given the ever-increasing use of foreigners, the playing time of foreign Under 21s is higher than the playing time of Italian Under 21s, and this then lowers Luciano Spalletti’s chances of being called up to the senior national team.”