Venice, Vanoli: “For Feralpi it is the last resort, but we must believe in it completely”

The Venezia coach Paolo Vanoli he spoke at a press conference on the eve of the match against Feralpisalò in which the lagoon players are called to win and hope for a slip by Como in Modena to keep alive the hopes of direct promotion: “We meet a team with a ferocious motivation and which must win necessarily to gamble their hopes of salvation. We have to understand well how to deal with a team on the last resort, we will have to be patient without wanting to overdo it and playing with intelligence. – continues Vanoli as stated on the club’s website, returning to the defeat in midweek – Regarding last Wednesday’s match, my biggest regret is that in such an exciting championship something happened that wasn’t right. I remained calm because I think I have to do my best job as a coach and I told the boys that we have to be even better, or rather perfect. The team played a great match, even with ten men, and we did our duty as was also recognized by our splendid fans who applauded us at the airport and I thank them for the long trip they undertook.”

The orange-green coach then looks at the change of pace compared to a year ago: “If we look at our numbers as a team compared to last season we have grown in everything making giant strides, but evidently it’s not enough, some steps forward have been made but there is certainly room for further improvement and we are working specifically for this. When you’re there playing for something important, details make the difference and you have to avoid even the smallest mistake.”

“For the umpteenth time, however, my boys, as modern players, were able to interpret the different situations that were created within a match conditioned by many factors, we certainly made small mistakes that we must try to avoid. – he concludes Vanoli – When we got off the plane I told the guys that until the end you have to go out there and believe in itas long as there is the possibility we must aim for the maximum and we must be there, we only think about Feralpisalò at the moment and then we will see what happens”.