Sportiello: “Giroud goalkeeper? Phenomenal. Buffon my idol, who grew up with Seba Rossi”

The AC Milan goalkeeper, Marco Sportielloin a long interview with SportMediaset he also spoke about the first leg against Genoa, where Olivier Giroud acted as goalkeeper. “It was phenomenal, it was an incredible evening. He had a lot of courage in making that intervention, I would have stayed in goal because there you risk taking a penalty and you have to have the right light-heartedness… Giroud saved the result, it was that was a great evening.”

Have you always wanted to be a goalkeeper?
“I have always been determined to be a goalkeeper, it made me throw myself in the mud and get dirty, even if my mother was less happy…”

Who was your idol?
“Leaving aside Buffon who is the best of all, I grew up with Sebastiano Rossi; I didn’t aspire to retrace his career, but he fascinated me a lot and he was my idol as a child.”

What does playing at San Siro mean to you as a Milan fan?

“It’s always exciting, both as an opponent and as a Rossoneri… My first match here was incredible.”

Can you find more space in these last few games?
“Yes, but until we are certain of second place we will play with the best possible team. Then we must always be ready.”