Naples, former director Marino advises De Laurentiis: “Gasperini perfect for the Azzurri project”

To the microphones of Radio Marsthe former general manager of Napoli Pierpaolo Marino he spoke about the Azzurri’s moment and the issue linked to the next coach who will choose Aurelio De Laurentiis. This is the manager’s thoughts on the matter:

“For the characteristics that Napoli needs, i.e. immediate results, very high profile motivations and also sustainability of the economic project of building the team, I see the synthesis of all this in Gasperini. He is a coach who has a particular character, it’s true, but he’s a winner, he hasn’t won the Scudetto yet, but he wants to win it.

Furthermore, Gasperini would not bring economic burdens to Napoli’s politics, on the contrary: he is a coach who creates capital gains, making the players at his disposal perform at their best. Also for his physical preparation and for the game he proposes he would be perfect for Napoli. The Neapolitans would also like today’s Atalanta football, naturally for an even more important project. In my opinion, the timing in choosing the new coach is not that important, given how clubs are organized today, with a scouting sector that is always working, everything can be decided even at the end of the championship. I don’t see any concern in having to hire the manager before the end of the championship.”