Cosenza, Tutino is not satisfied: “Play-offs are still possible, we want to take them”

“The championship isn’t over yet. We won’t give anything to anyone, no one has ever given me anything. We want to take something from these last 180′. Mathematics still gives us the possibility of reaching the play offs.” The Cosenza striker Gennaro Tutino from the columns of Southern Gazette he speaks like this in view of the last two championship matches, not being satisfied with the already certain salvation.

The class of ’96 also has a personal goal to achieve and makes no secret of it: “Am I like Marulla? Gigi is Gigi. An icon, unattainable. I am Gennaro Tutino and I try to do my best to leave a good memory. For now I would like to annoy Marco Negri and reach 19”.

Finally, a thought on the challenge against a Spezia team chasing points to save themselves: “I’d like to see a very full Marulla, we deserve it. We managed to get out of a difficult situation, we showed attachment to the shirt, playing good football. We deserve further recognition from our fans who have always been close to us both at home and away.”