Inter, Calhanoglu and the placed specialty: “I train a lot on how to hit the ball”

Hakan Calhanogluduring the interview granted to Copa90, also spoke about one of his greatest peculiarities, namely his precision in free kicks, in particular free kicks.

Is there something that as a child or today pushes you to be so good at punishments?
“I train a lot on how to hit the ball. It’s like tennis, you train every time on manual movements. In football it’s the same when you train, but with your feet. When I was in Hamburg and at Leverkusen I trained every day on free kicks Since I arrived at Inter, and especially in Italy, I have learned a lot of tactical things because football in Italy, as we know, is much more tactical and I have stopped training so much on free kicks. Because I have other things to do. but my technique is still there.”