Salernitana, Genoa ready to fish again among the Granata: they like Maggiore

The salvation achieved arithmetically yesterday evening will push Genoa to redeem themselves Emil Bohinen from Salernitana for two million euros. Despite not having left his mark at all, the Norwegian midfielder (zero appearances as a starter) will be part of the squad available to mister Gilardino also for the next sporting season, an undoubtedly important addition to the coffers of the Granata club.

But he is not the only player that the Ligurian team likes. According to rumors collected by TuttoSalernitana.comthe management would have already asked for information on Julius Major, also linked to Genoa last summer and author of a mediocre championship despite having three goals to his credit and some limited sufficiencies especially in this second round. The chances that the former Spezia player will remain in Salerno are not many, especially for reasons related to his salary.

Also last summer, by the same admission of former sporting director De Sanctis, Maggiore was considered among the outgoing players and remained only for numerical reasons after the departure of Mamadou Coulibaly towards Palermo.