Enrico Chiesa: “Parma promotion is the result of work. Pecchia deserved Serie A”


Enrico Chiesaa player who wore the shirt of the Parmawinning an Italian Cup and a UEFA Cup, commented a TMW the promotion of the team coached by Pecchia: “I’m very happy, they deserved the promotion because they had a great season, they were always at the top of the table. I’m very happy for the fans, it’s an important place, which deserves Serie A, but also for the club, first and foremost the president, who has invested a lot. He has ensured that this promotion is the result of work, of the organization of a club which I hope can also lay the foundations for the future, doing well in Serie A.” .

It’s never easy to go from B to A.
“Especially for Parma, which has an important history and therefore a different psychological weight from other less renowned teams. Parma deserved it, they shook off a lot of pressure, the president was good at giving everyone confidence. It means that It’s a positive environment.”

Does Pecchia deserve to lead Parma in Serie A again next year?
“He has done very well in recent years with 3 promotions to Serie A. He deserved to be able to stay in Serie A, I hope he can bring Parma to high levels, which both he and the club deserve.”