Tesser on Di Gregorio: “In Pordenone he was a ‘tiger’. Now he is a goalkeeper worth Juventus”

TuttoJuve.com contacted the former technician by telephone Michele Di Gregorio at Pordenone in the 2019/2020 season, Attilio Tesserto talk in depth about the goalkeeper recently linked to Juventus and beyond: “I am very pleased, I really think he deserves it all. He has grown more and more in recent years, we are admiring his potential in Monza and I always read positive things about him inside the newspapers. I’m honestly just very happy for him.”

Compared to when you coached him in Pordenone, how is he today compared to then?
“He took an extra step of growth, then the work done with Leonardo Cortiula (goalkeeper coach for Tesser’s teams) also helped him a lot. Michele came from a one-year experience in a Lega Pro championship, we we were newly promoted and we knew his enormous value very well. We started Serie B with the more experienced Bindi who later got hurt, so he was able to make his debut. They called him ‘tiger’ and they really respected him, it was difficult in fact scoring goals in training. The most important improvement was in terms of personality and confidence, then he managed to find confidence in his abilities which is always very important for a goalkeeper.”

So today, is he a Juventus goalkeeper?
“Honestly, yes, he has the skills of an important goalkeeper. His is constant growth, he started from the Lega Pro to arrive in Serie A and consolidated himself with Monza where he also won the championship. He is certainly ready for a big one.”