Lecco, Malgrati: “The team is not mentally exhausted. Whoever deserves it on the pitch”

Andrea Malgrati, coach of Lecco now mathematically relegated to Serie C, spoke at a press conference on the eve of the match against Sampdoria. These are his words collected by Leccochannelnews.it: “We always try to give satisfaction to the fans even if this year we have succeeded on few occasions, regardless of Parma which was a match in itself because we were playing against a team that has enormous potential. We will continue to follow the path to maximum, as I already stated in the previous interview.”

With Parma, did the team prove to be mentally unloaded?
“No mentally unloaded because we would have already been so in the first few games, more than anything else we are fragile. Going to play Parma in such a situation certainly leaves you psychologically at a disadvantage compared to them, plus if you allow such serious errors allowing them to score goals It becomes difficult to recover. But I repeat, we will try to give our performance regardless of what happened in Parma because we think match after match, so each match is different.”

With relegation there will be room for young players. Can Salomaa or Frigerio start from the first minute?
“There will always be space for those who work hard in training. It’s not because we’re relegated so it’s obvious that the boys who found less space should play. I don’t think like that, those who work hard during training as has always logically been there he will be given special consideration. As happened with Salomaa with Parma, who has always trained very well, he found space in this match, and when he came on he did well. we give space to everyone but always taking into account what they give during the week”

“They have their team and their problems, we have ours and we have to look at our home ground. They are certainly missing important players, but even if they had been there we would have set up the match in the same way as we try to set them all up, then The characteristics and quality of each team are different, each team is a story in itself and therefore we will try to face Sampdoria in our best possible conditions.”

Are there anyone unavailable?
“Inglese has recovered while Listkowski, Beretta and Lamanna have not yet”.