Feralpisalò, Zaffaroni: “We believe in salvation. None of us has ever given up”

The derby of great importance will be staged tomorrow at the ‘Garilli’ Feralpisalò And Brescia. For the hosts the match against Swallows will be worth an important part of the fight for salvation: “I don’t expect gifts – the coach explained during the press conference Lions of Garda, Marco Zaffaroni (source Brescia newspaper -, even if it is a derby, because both teams aim to achieve their objectives. We need ninety minutes of depth: we absolutely must achieve success. We need to find the right balance between the desire to win, order and distances.

The nervous aspect will count more than the tactical one. They are solid and concrete, they also have great experience and always create opportunities for goals. As far as we’re concerned, we have to start again from the second half of Cittadella. We have traveled at a high pace in the last few games, but we need a further leap to close the gap that separates us from the others. However, I would have preferred more time to prepare for a race like this, which is very important for us. As far as training is concerned, the doubt concerns Martella. We will evaluate before the match whether to let him play or not.

None of us have given up, on the contrary, we truly believe we can remain in the category. However, we must take into consideration that there are always opponents who are aiming to win and it doesn’t just depend on us. However, the focus must be centered on this match and there is no need to think about anything else