Monza, now it’s time to plan for the future

For the Monza what will really matter from now until the end of the season will be the planning for the next one. Also because he has several issues to plan, including the choice of the new coach and the possible inclusion of a new sporting director in the organization chart. The discussion is clearly also closely linked to the possible sale of the company by the current owners, who for some months have been talking with various profiles possibly interested in taking over the majority.

Trainer The moment the championship ends, barring sensational twists, Raffaele Palladino he will leave Monza with whom he took his first steps in Serie A in two years, grew, achieved results that were decidedly beyond the ordinary and valorised most of the players he faced over the months. A growing path characterized by pleasant and modern football, recognizable and organised, in which each player was put in the best conditions to express not only the maximum of their potential but also stimulated to discover new solutions. All clearly enriched by two Serie A tournaments in which his team – numbers in hand – was never involved in the risky part of the ranking but rather even managed to cradle the dream of Europe. Palladino will leave an important legacy and the managers are taking steps to choose the most suitable profile to take his place. At the moment there is no shortage of ideas, a first line will be drawn in a few weeks.

DS and clubs Francois Modest it’s the other starter. The technical consultant of the sports area is in fact oriented towards having a new professional experience after having contributed to building a Monza capable of doing very well in the first two years of its history in Serie A. Proposals have arrived for him, from Italy but not only. In fact, Modesto has been Roma’s idea for months and his profile – young and competent – is in line with the characteristics outlined by the Roma management. However, there is also interest in him from French teams. In short, Modesto himself will decide what will be the best opportunity. Monza will not be caught unprepared: Adriano Galliani remains the center of everything, Michele Frank – current sporting director – could have even more space.