Inter-Torino, Calvarese: “VAR intervention on the red light at Tameze inconsistent with the protocol”

On the day of the all-female referee team, commanded by the match director Maria Sole Ferrieri Caputi, Inter-Turin However, it caused discussion. The most discussed event was the red card Adrien Tameze for a foul on Henrikh Mkhitaryan at the edge of the grenade area. And here we don’t have to wait for the reconstruction and commentary of Gianpaolo Calvarese:

“From the pitch Ferrieri Caputi assigns the yellow, then on the monitor he reviews his decision, tightening the sanction”, the facts on the pitch. However, the former referee, who spoke in the columns of Tuttosport, explained that “there are elements that make the referee lean towards the warning: the direction of the ball (which does not go towards the goal but towards the outside), the presence of another defender who is not cut off (Lovato )”. An episode on the field “correctly evaluated”, according to Calvarese, which is why “the intervention of the Var Aleandro Di Paolo cannot be explained, completely inconsistent with the threshold prescribed by the protocol”.