Cittadella, Kastrati: “Good lesson from the draw with Feralpi. We will try to win in Como”

The draw against Feralpisalò allowed the Citadel to remain in the running for qualification for the Serie B promotion playoffs. Still, however, the mission is not yet accomplished and after the match against the Lions of Garda the goalkeeper of the Venetians Elhan Kastrati made some statements to The Gazzettino:

“I’m disappointed and angry, as we all are after a match like this. We thought we’d brought home the three points after three and a half months without success at the Tombolato, in front of our fans: it’s a difficult draw to digest. The playoffs are at hand, we can play them: let’s hope we haven’t thrown away a championship. We have to be better at managing the ball forward and gaining precious seconds, not trying to score in the 95th minute: the game should have been closed earlier.

We certainly learned a good lesson: we are playing for the playoffs, a prestigious goal, it was up to us to win to enter the promotion zone. Now we will try to win in Como, which is playing Serie A”