The national prosecutor: “Mafia infiltration also in professional football”

The long hand of organized crime, also on Northern Italian football. Talking about it, he reports The printAnd Giovanni Melillonational anti-mafia and anti-terrorism prosecutor: “We must no longer talk about mafia infiltration, but about a structural presence of criminal organizations in Central-Northern Italy in all sectors, from construction to logistics, to professional football through large-scale retail trade and finance.

There is no sector that can be considered safe from the risk of mafia influence. Even football clubs, even in Northern Italy and also at a professional level, constitute coveted entry routes and social and business legitimacy for mafia figures and interests. Even in this field it is easier to pretend not to see.

It is completely clear – continued the magistrate – that the deployment of enormous public financial resources and the urgency of the implementation of the PNRR projects as well as those financed with national resources, starting from the Strait Bridge and the Milan Olympics – Cortina, also bring with them the illusion that we can do without rationalizing and intensifying controls which, despite the commitment of the prefectures and the police forces, require much greater technological equipment and tools which today are largely inadequate or which simply remain on paper, as in the case of monitoring the financial flows of companies or the duties of reporting any anomaly”.