Mentana: “Frustrated people offend the referee Ferrieri Caputi just because he is a woman”

The referee management of Maria Sole Ferrieri Caputidriving an all-female trio on the occasion of Inter-Turin, causes discussion. In particular, what is dividing is the expulsion of Adrien Tamezewhich also arrived following the indication of the VAR after the yellow card initially drawn by the referee.

Enrico Mentana’s comment. Through his social channels, the director of TG La7 commented on the controversy against her thus: “On social media you will be able to read thousands of frustrated people, about life even before sport, heavily offending the referee of Inter-Turin, just because she is a woman, with the excuse of a disputed expulsion.

An excuse that is blatantly untrue, given that the match director had only warned the player, who was then sent off following a warning from the VAR. Poor suckers, who will inevitably pop up under this post too. Referee, don’t worry about them.”