Inter-Torino, the show is only in the stands: catwalk and few chances, 0-0 in the 45th minute

The pasillo de honor and the climate of general euphoria are the main things to talk about in the first half of Inter-Turin, which ended with a score of 0-0 without any particular opportunities on either side. Two teams that have little or nothing to ask of the rest of the championship – the Nerazzurri 101 points, the Granata a European qualification that is decidedly unlikely today – give life to a half of the game that is unspectacular, if not for the backdrop of a cheering crowd, and inevitably ended without getting hurt.

The TMW live of Inter-Turin

Inzaghi jumps with the fans. The atmosphere is that of a festive day, the rhythms are reminiscent of those of a pre-season friendly match. The highlight of the first part of the match was given by Simone Inzaghi, when he decided to jump on the spot in response to the fans’ chants, melting his usual seriousness for a moment into a smile. Torino, however, is there and relies above all on the usual Zapata, who challenges Sommer closely around the quarter of an hour of play.

Balance wins. As the minutes passed, the lunch match of San Siro does not experience any particular shocks in its progress. Toro does not go beyond the opportunity previously mentioned, while the hosts try to make an inroads but without appearing in Milinkovic’s area. The last call goes to Lautaro, who wants to get back to scoring and creates space for a shot from outside: a phone call for VMS.