Inter, Farris: “Sanchez? I don’t know what his future will be, but he can do well anywhere”

Simone Inzaghi gives way. No lowering of voice, this time it’s the desire to put those around him in front of the cameras that wins. In the press conference, after the 2-0 ofInter on Turin, this is how the deputy goes Massimiliano Farris.

Among the topics addressed, also the future of Alexis Sanchez, Chilean striker who took over in the second half of the match against the Granata and who will leave Inter at the end of the season. “It’s funny to talk about him, his career speaks for him – said Farris – but the man comes before the player: Alexis is a fantastic guy who was able to give advice to the younger guys. He draws football, it’s fun to work with him: I don’t know what the future will be, but if he were to stay with us he would certainly do well.”

Have you created a model on a technical and tactical level?“I would say that the cycle is open, it is clear that this championship is a stamp that also enhances previous years. The club has always been close to us and the coach has kept the helm straight even in difficult moments. This year it repays us, we have found the right cohesion with the boys and we are convinced there is the possibility of carrying out something great.”

Massimiliano Farris’ press conference.