Taremi will be from Inter, but Porto di Conceicao is still counting on it: “He can play with Sporting”

Asked in the press conference preceding the big match with Sporting CP on the possible confirmation of the next Nerazzurri striker in the starting eleven Mehdi Taremithe Porto coach Sergio Conceicao he responded like this: “Taremi could play as a starter, Pepè could also play as a right-back. We can play with a high, low, medium-low block, it depends on what we want to do. Playing higher, lower, determines a small role in the game strategy. They are all possibilities. I have different situations at my disposal, but we have already worked in training to put what we want on the pitch”, his declarations.

Ausilio’s words
Piero Ausiliosporting director of Inter, speaking to DAZN commented on the conquest of the Scudetto after the success in the derby, almost making the arrival of Taremi and Zielinski official: “This is the moment to all rejoice together, we have already done a little something and perhaps a little too quickly because now everyone is expecting something else. But we’ve already done a couple of things,” he said. “It’s Zielinski and Taremi”, the prompt comment from the studio with Ausilio who didn’t reply, letting himself go into silent assent.