Soulé’s report cards: he appears on the spot after the mistake in Napoli. He starts the dancing

Unlock a very important race Matias Soulé finding the network that had been missing for a long time. The Frosinone striker got the ball rolling in last night’s match against Salernitana. “He returns to scoring (11th in the league) – the comment from the Gazzetta dello Sport – after ten games. He invents at 3-0”. “He breaks the goal drought that had lasted since February 3rd and puts the missed penalty against Napoli behind him – writes Tuttosport – a penalty that is worth half salvation”.

This is the analysis from TMW: “She hadn’t scored for three months and it wasn’t easy to appear on the spot after the mistake in Napoli. This time, however, she displaces Costil and allows her teammates to immediately unlock her and put her downhill. Flashes of great quality “.

Gazzetta dello Sport: 6.5
Tuttosport: 7
Corriere dello Sport: 7
Corriere della Sera: 7 7