Rome, Azmoun has the trust of De Rossi: but the attacker’s redemption is always in the balance

May it be the possible turning point for Sardar Azmoun? With the arrival of Daniele De Rossi on the Roma bench, the Iranian striker found more space on the pitch. Trust that was also repaid with goals given that of the three goals scored this season, two came under the new management. The first at the “Stirpe” of Frosinone in the 3-0 success against the Ciociaria hosts, the second instead – irrelevant for the purposes of the result – in the home defeat against Bologna.

Future in the balance
And so the discussion related to his stay in the capital could reopen. The player in fact arrived from Bayer Leverkusen, who this year became German champions for the first time in their history, with the loan formula with right of redemption set at 12.5 million euros. At the moment there is still no news on his future but soon in the Trigoria area they will have to take stock.

The situation
As reported in today’s edition of Gazzetta dello Sport, the situation would be stuck at 50-50 for the moment. Of course, the 12.5 million euros are a good figure especially for a player who has performed below expectations but De Rossi’s confidence could change the scenario as well as a possible Europa League final but the obstacle to overcome, in the true sense of the term given that they are Roma’s next semi-final opponents, it is Bayer Leverkusen.