Monza, Palladino: “Right match on a tough pitch, I remember that the objective was salvation”

“It was the type of match I expected. Tough, hot, difficult pitch, against a charged opponent and with a fan base that pushed from the start. I liked the team spirit. In the first half, balance prevailed, I given a very tactical match to the point that only in the second half were there situations useful for scoring goals. Going behind in the 92nd minute could have been a great blow for the boys, but instead we believed in it until the end and managed to take the lead with merit. the draw. The penalty? The mind flew to last season, this time our captain went to the spot and confirmed that he is a guy with personality, but well done to all the guys who took over. Lecce wanted victory at all costs to get to safety, for us it’s an important point.” These are the statements from the Monza coach to DAZN Raffaele Palladino.

The coach perhaps expected something more from the substitutes: “In the era of five substitutions there is truly the possibility of changing the game. They too have brought in fresh forces. The details are fundamental, everyone who was part of the dispute has put We could have pushed harder and played better from a technical point of view, but Colpani had a sensational opportunity to break the deadlock at 0-0. If I think we even risked losing it, it’s clear that I’m holding on to this draw.” . Finally on the objectives and future prospects: “I would like to remind everyone that Monza had to save itself first and foremost, in a championship of an absolute level and in which there are no easy matches. Precisely for this reason we must congratulate a group that trains in the right way , who showed determination and desire not to lose the match. Now there are 12 points available and we will try to put even a great opponent like Lazio in difficulty.”