Juve Stabia, president Langella: “I chose Lovisa. Pagliuca will go a long way”

Andrea Langella, president of Juve Stabia, interviewed by TVPlay spoke like this about Lovisa and Pagliuca. “The sporting director was chosen by me firsthand, while the coach was chosen secondhand because it was a bit of an anomalous choice. The choice of director was made at the last moment. When I heard from a prosecutor, a friend of mine, I met Matteo Lovisa, he was 26 years old, he had expressed to me a great desire to work. You could see from his eyes that he wanted to get involved in such an important place like Castellammare di Stabia. I told him that it wasn’t really a better choice to start this journey with Juve Stabia. But he convinced us and we reached an agreement.

He wanted to get involved. At the beginning of the season I was very stressed, I had a list of three coaches, then I chose Pagliuca for his seriousness, composure and attachment to his work. He convinced me and I chose him. He is an extraordinary coach and he will go a long way. Like the sports director.”