Hellas Verona, Baroni: “I liked the team for their courage. And now they shouldn’t be afraid”

Marco Baronicoach of Hellas Verona, spoke on the microphone after the defeat on the pitch against Lazio DAZN: “We cannot lose confidence and identity, we must not be afraid. In the first minutes we dropped too low, then we changed and played man, so as not to give him too much dribble. The team did well. It’s a shame because in my opinion the match it was in balance. We lost 2-3 balls that we knew we shouldn’t lose on the way out, we needed to find an outlet underneath. These balls penalized us because Lazio took advantage of it mistakes will make us grow. But I liked the team, I liked the attitude. It would be a mistake to think of being conservative today, the team must have this spirit, we have the goal problem, but with this attitude we find it.”

Another tactical key to the match.
I’m sorry because we saw that we couldn’t concede these balls in exits because they have great quality in finishing, they have everything to get the ball to the end. It had already gone well a couple of times, then on the third turnover they punished us. We had some chances, but we need to score. We have to think about the goal because that’s what will take us to where we want to go.”

What is the salvation quota?
“I don’t want to make these calculations, they take away your energy because you start thinking about others and it increases stress because we can’t manage the results of others. Instead we have to think about ourselves, about our attitude. We shouldn’t be afraid, we need to take a step forward and not backward.”