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Towards the match against Roma, the Napoli coach Francesco Calzona at 1.00 pm he will speak in the conference room of the Konami Training Center in Castel Volturno to answer questions from the press. On Tuttomercatoweb.comas usual, the live text of the press conference.
1.00pm – The press conference begins
The manager communication Nicola Lombardo: “It’s not a pre-match press conference, we don’t do them anymore, we limit the conferences to under 100 during the year. The pre-match conferences are the only ones in which we have no obligations. This is a conference mid-term press, 5 games left and Calzona wanted to talk to journalists and the club is just happy about this.”
Complicated, heavy moment. Did he sense that there would be the long-awaited reaction?
“Up until now we had always created a lot by conceding, but the result in Empoli told us we also had offensive problems, I pointed this out to the boys who were very disheartened, but we have a duty to work on the pitch and try to improve and finish the game championship in the best way, we owe it to the city. Training went well, we started subdued but it was predictable, we grew, today I saw that the right enthusiasm has also returned. We have to take responsibility, that’s why I’m here, first and foremost I have to take it, then they go on the pitch and I hope that pride comes out, we play against a team with excellent condition, they are doing very well, they won yesterday too and I expect a great match for motivation and pride.”