Naples, another attempt to shake up the group: today Calzona speaks again

Napoli is approaching the match against Roma amidst tensions and protests. For weeks the discontent of the fans, as well as the errors committed by De Laurentiis or the coaches, has been forcefully directed towards the team, incapable of closing the match against Frosinone and then of making a shot on goal or a clean play against Empoli, suffering a humiliating defeat without even showing a reaction. This week we worked mainly on this aspect, avoiding a punitive retreat after Empoli, but anticipating the one on the eve of the match against Roma (starting today, in Caserta due to the lack of structures in the city due to the invasion of tourists) with rumors about a possible continuation in the event of another empty and soulless performance.

The conferences are back: will Calzona goad the team again?
At the Konami Training Center in Castel Volturno, at 1pm (live on, the Napoli coach will return to answer questions from the press in the pre-match press conference. The last time happened on the eve of the match against Barcelona, ​​in the Champions League, mostly due to the very stringent obligations of UEFA. Then only post-match interventions and in the last few he did not spare direct attacks on the team’s attitude, from the lack of ferocity in high pressure to above all the lack of malice even in simply creating density behind the ball line.

Calzona, however, confirms everyone
After Empoli it couldn’t have been clearer: “We have to work first on pride. We work very tactically, but here we go beyond tactics…”, the words of the coach who could publicly insist on this issue today to shake up the group publicly: the goal is to have at least a nervous reaction to be able to close the season in a dignified manner and save a European position. However, the formation choices will not change: despite the disappointment and discontent, Calzona should confirm the usual 11 with the returns of Rrahmani and Mario Rui.