City, 115 charges are pending. The Premier CEO: “The case will be resolved in the near future”

Richard MastersCEO of Premier Leaguespoke after the General Assembly of the European Leagues in London and, speaking to the media present, including the BBC, responded thus to those who asked him if it was right that Pep Guardiola’s team could win a second title when his 115 charges would remain pending: “We cannot comment on the case, the date is set. The case will be resolved from only at some point in the near future. The date is not official, but everything should take place in the autumn.

The PFA have warned of the consequences of failing to introduce changes to the match calendar, which they say would put player welfare at risk. UEFA has expanded European competitions next season, while FIFA has expanded the World Cup and introduced a new 32-team Club World Cup, which will take place in the United States in 2025. The FA has scrapped replays of the next season, which generated a huge debate, not very agree with the move.

Richard Masters put it this way: “We are reaching a critical point. The feedback we have from the players is that too much football is being played and there is constant expansion. The Premier League has not changed its shape. What has changed in recent decades it is the march of international and regional football competitions. We are proud to be different in England. We still believe that it is up to us to determine how big our championship will be. will overflow. This is what is happening right now, not only in terms of the calendar, but in terms of the ability of the players to be able to express their performance. It is obvious that if you overload the calendar and the players, at some point, they have to give something.”